DISCO for Music Management: Why My Team and I Love Using It

Hello Friends,

Today, I want to share something that has truly been a game-changer for me and my team at Rareform Audio and Black Sheep Music. Managing a music catalog can be a daunting task, but we've found the perfect solution with DISCO.

Why We Love DISCO

If you're in the music industry, you know how important it is to have your music organized, accessible, and easy to share. DISCO has been instrumental in helping us achieve this. Here are a few reasons why we love using DISCO:

  1. Ease of Use: The interface is incredibly user-friendly. Whether we're uploading new tracks, creating playlists, or sharing music with clients, everything is intuitive and seamless. Also the organizational ability to have tracks and even playlists in multiple locations is amazing so you don’t have to have duplicated files for content to appear in different channels (like you have to do with many file sharing programs).

  2. Collaboration: With DISCO, collaborating with team members is a breeze. We can easily share tracks and playlists within our team, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.

  3. Security: Our music is our treasure, and DISCO understands that. Their robust security measures ensure that our tracks are safe and secure.

  4. Accessibility: Whether we're on a laptop, tablet, or phone, DISCO works flawlessly across all devices, making it easy to access our music catalog wherever we are.

How We Use DISCO

At Rareform Audio, managing our vast library of tracks and sound design elements has never been smoother. We can quickly find and share the right pieces for our projects, keeping our workflow efficient and our clients happy. Having a dedicated inbox for our roster to submit tracks to is a game changer as well.

Regarding our Black Sheep Music imprint, the ability to create, organize and share albums and sound packs with our clients has streamlined our process, making it easier than ever to find the perfect track for every project.

Get Started with DISCO

If you're looking for a powerful, user-friendly solution to manage your music catalog, I highly recommend giving DISCO a try. You can sign up to DISCO.ac and see for yourself how it can transform your workflow.

In Conclusion

DISCO has become an indispensable part of how we manage our music. It’s not just about organizing tracks; it’s about streamlining the workflow and making our lives easier and more productive.

I feel incredibly grateful to have found such a wonderful tool that helps us do what we love more efficiently. I hope you find it as helpful as we have.

Until next time!


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Let’s Create Together

Are you a visual storyteller in media? My team and I are excited to explore how we can bring your stories to life with distinctive soundscapes. Get in touch and let’s discuss how music and sound design can transform your project.


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Nathan Fields

Hey there, I'm Nathan Fields — your go-to guy for anything that dances between music, entrepreneurship, and all-around creativity. By day, I'm steering the ship at Rareform Audio and Black Sheep Music; by night, I'm weaving sonic landscapes as a film composer and record producer. It's a wild ride, filled with learning, overcoming obstacles, and bringing ideas to life.

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