From Ayahuasca to Hollywood: My Journey into Film Trailer Music

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Hello Friends,

Life has a funny way of connecting the dots, often in the most unexpected ways. Here’s a story you might not believe, but I assure you, it’s true.

The Beginning: A Serendipitous Meeting in Peru

“My dad met a woman in Peru doing Ayahuasca in the Amazon. Thanks to her, I eventually got into composing for film trailers.”

Eighteen years ago, deep in the Peruvian jungle, my dad met a woman during an Ayahuasca retreat. They stayed in touch after that trip, maintaining a connection that would later shape my career.

From Metal Bands to Dubstep

Meanwhile, I was exploring my own musical paths. High school saw me in metal bands, thrashing out intense riffs and powerful melodies. Later, I dived into the dubstep and bass music world, where heavy beats and electronic sounds dominated my life.

The Pivotal Connection

Eight years after the Peru trip, that same woman reached out to my dad again. She had a gut feeling about a potential collaboration:

“Hey, I'm married. And my husband has a company that creates music and sound design for film trailers. I have a gut feeling that him and Nate need to connect.”

That was my introduction to Black Sheep Music. It opened up a whole new world of creativity for me. I fell in love with composing and producing a diverse range of music for film trailers.

Becoming a Co-Owner: A New Chapter

Fast forward six years, and I became a co-owner of Black Sheep Music. This journey has expanded my creative horizons beyond my wildest dreams.

“So it's funny, just how life works sometimes. When people say things like you're never going to believe this, I say, yeah. I absolutely will actually.”


Life’s unexpected twists and turns have brought me to where I am today. If you’re passionate about music and storytelling, I encourage you to follow your instincts and embrace the journey.


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Are you a visual storyteller in media? My team and I are excited to explore how we can bring your stories to life with distinctive soundscapes. Get in touch and let’s discuss how music and sound design can transform your project.


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Nathan Fields

Hey there, I'm Nathan Fields — your go-to guy for anything that dances between music, entrepreneurship, and all-around creativity. By day, I'm steering the ship at Rareform Audio and Black Sheep Music; by night, I'm weaving sonic landscapes as a film composer and record producer. It's a wild ride, filled with learning, overcoming obstacles, and bringing ideas to life.

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